Tuesday 6 March 2012

Happy 2012 Bliss Pilates members Brisbane!

This year certainly kicked off with a Big Bang for Bliss being featured on the Great South East on 1st January and episdode re-runs since. This surpassed our expectations along with the huge demand for new members wishing to join Bliss, with our classes running at capacity, & wait listed.

Over the break I indulged in further training and development in a few areas and have started to incoporate this extra knowledge particularly with Barre Pilates into the studio classes and small parts into the park where posssible. Barre Pilates is the lastest adaption to Pilates, utilising the ballet barre to further enhance toning of the legs and gluts, great fun and gets everyone interacting more.

Classes are scheduled to move all over Brisbane in the next few months including Paddington, Jindalee, Clayfield, Newstead, Wynnum, West End, Wishart and Kangaroo Point so make sure you take advantage of classes in your area or you may even like to take a little journey to try some new parks.  Remember we also have the studio classes in Capalaba and Seven Hills offering 1 on 1 sessions, Mothers Group sessions and open classes.

We are very excited to be welcoming a new addition to our family later in the year. I plan to keep practicising Pilates as I have done previously right up to baby's arrival.
Recently we had the bubbly Karen join us, in addition to lovely Elsabe to accomodate for our growing classes. Expect to see further expansions from us in the coming months including a greater variety of classes being offered including Baby Bootcamp, Circuit & Yogalates.

Look forward to a fun workout with you soon!