Sunday 25 November 2012

Healthy Yummy Alternative for Chocolate lovers

Happy Healthy Days!
Healthy Version for the Chocolate Brownie

How good does this look? Its my chocolate quick fix made with no flour nor sugar nor eggs, is easy to make & tastes delish. Made it into a choc fudge brownie stack for my nieces bday.   Something to have when the sweet temptation takes hold, but still everything in moderation not too many :-)
1 Cup Almonds
4 Tbsp Coconut
1 Cup Pitted Dates
¼ Cup Cocoa for base & ½ Cup Cocoa for top
4 Tbsp Honey
4 Tbsp Nuttelex Butter or other Nut butter
2 Bananas
1 Tbsp juice from Orange
1. Grind Almonds, Dates, Coconut & ¼ Cup Cocoa to crumb-like consistency
2. Push mixture firmly into tin to make brownie base
3. Blend Honey, Bananas, ½ cup Cocoa, Nuttelex Butter, orange juice till smooth
4. Spread mixture on top of base
5. Freeze
*Substitute Bananas for Apricots and/ or Figs
* Orange may be substitute for other flavourings that you like also
* Pay special attention to compacting base especially in corners
* This is a healthier version to brownie, but still not recommended to enjoy in small portions. That’s the true beauty of this version as you can keep in freezer and just cut off small pieces as you like.
Yes it is true you can find substitutes for Chocolate that are yummy, give this a go you won't be disappointed. It's fantastic cold or at room temperature too.

Having Fun with a new baby & 3 little ones - 3 and under

Time Flys when your having fun.  Geez, its been a while between posts to fill you in I have had a baby boy :-) Cooper Luke is just over 3 months and I have been absolutely loving my time with him.  I've decided the third baby is definitely the best for me.  While my older 2 play together I get to enjoy my time with my baby and everyone seems to be happy most of the time ;-)

During the pregnancy I started to present with pubis symphis which did make it more challenging to get too active however there are always alternatives, so I sought medical advice on what to be careful of and made sure I worked that into my class plans.  Cooper was 9pound 11ounces at birth so it would be of no surprise to you that aqua was one of my favourite exercises as it gave me a chance to be weightless :-)

Fortunately as soon as he was born my pain had eased away and although I was keen to get active.  I have weighted 6 weeks before getting too busy and am holding off on running for a last another month just to let things settle down.  Cooper & I have been having fun participating in Bubby Pilates too.

Hope to see you and your little ones at a class soon!